📃6.1 Terms of Service

Introduction This document outlines the Terms of Service (ToS) for the GPT Protocol's suite of products, including GPT Assistant, Genesis3D, and associated services. By accessing or using these offerings, you agree to comply with these terms.

Use of Open Source Products Our products, being open-source, are provided "as is" for general use. We ensure that they meet legal standards but are not liable for any misuse by users. You are responsible for using these products within the scope of applicable laws and regulations.

Intellectual Property You retain ownership of any intellectual property you create using our products. However, the GPT Protocol owns the underlying software and technology. You grant us a license to use, adapt, and display content you create with our products for operational purposes.

$GPT Token Usage The $GPT token unlocks computational power within our ecosystem. As a user, you are responsible for using and trading $GPT tokens responsibly. The GPT Protocol is not liable for your investment decisions or use of $GPT tokens in accessing computational resources.

Disclaimer of Warranties The GPT Protocol disclaims all warranties, express or implied, to the fullest extent permissible by law. We do not guarantee that services will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Limitation of Liability We are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from the use of our products or services.

Modifications to ToS The GPT Protocol reserves the right to modify these terms. We will provide notice of significant changes and your continued use of our products will signify your acceptance of the revised terms.

Governing Law These ToS are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where the GPT Protocol is established, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

Contact Information For any inquiries regarding these ToS, please contact us through the official communication channels provided on our website.

Acceptance of Terms By using the GPT Protocol's products and services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these ToS.

Last updated